Inpac Solutions is a partnership consisting of Bradley Shelley (Managing Partner) and Glenn Severin (Partner). This partnership was formed from experience in both Japanese and Australian society and also the business world in both countries. A common belief in our ability and experience in facilitating business and communication coupled with an obvious need for this in both the Japanese and Australian business communities are the driving factors behind the partnership.
Inpac Solutions - giving you direct contact with your overseas business partners.

One of the major advantages we offer our clients is that of having continual representation in both Japan and Australia. This gives our clients unique access to both their Japanese clients and at the same time, direct access to Inpac Solutions in Australia. This situation provides our clients with a practical, valuable and professional presence in Japan while not foregoing the equally valuable direct link with us - your representatives. Bilingual support staff of both Australian and Japanese nationalities help ensure smooth and accurate dealings with documentation while providing general support and backup.

Copyright (C) 2005 Inpac Solutions. All Rights Reserved.